Our approach: More for you

Schoellerbank meets the highest demands of its customers in all asset matters and opens up market-leading opportunities with high investment requirements. For this reason, we can offer our exclusive services from an investment potential of around one million euros. We would be very pleased to convince you personally of our individual solutions.

When you come to Schoellerbank, we take time for you. We ask many questions, and listen carefully to your answers. Because this is the only way to ensure that we know what is important to you. Armed with this knowledge, we focus on your personal objectives, always taking all relevant market opportunities into account. Why do we do this? Because we want to create more for you. More security, more investment success, and more personal advice.

The foundation of this Wealth Management bank could not be better - the convincing depth of experience and the rational competence  is combined with exemplary emotional attentiveness. Together, this is what makes this quality.

Hans-Kaspar von Schönfels, Editor-in-Chief, Elite Report 2023, about Schoellerbank

Invest rather than speculate - Six principles for growing your wealth

We have analysed successful investments and made the underlying success factors our fundamental principles. All based on our core philosophy: invest rather than speculate. This way, you always know how we think and work.

Sustainability in Asset Management

Our actions and business activities are increasingly determined by the careful use of resources. Sustainability and ethics come to mind in this context. But what exactly is behind these concepts?

Financial planning - An eye to your future

No life path is like another – just as no investment is the same as another. Because every person has different desires, ideas, and goals. That’s why we address yours in an individual manner.

Estate planning - Value for generations

More is being bequeathed and inherited than ever before. Which makes it all the more important to lay the proper foundation in good time. We will be pleased to help you find a way to pass your wealth on to future generations.

Report service - Income Statement

This service supports international private customers with their investments. The income statement is transparent and provides an overview of the foreign assets held at Schoellerbank in accordance with the relevant country-specific tax laws.

Foundation service - An investment in the future

Are you interested in setting up a foundation? Perhaps you are looking to protect your family’s wealth or ensure that your loved ones are taken care of, or perhaps you are pursuing a charitable project. No matter what your reasons are, we can help you achieve your goals.

Real estate service – Advice with competent partners

You want to invest in real estate – or perhaps not? Our real estate service can provide you not only with the right investment properties, but also the right answers to all of your questions.

Insurance and financial protection – plan for tomorrow today

Along with professional asset management, the strategic orientation of the portfolio also includes aspects related to risk protection. Planning for your own financial future and setting capital aside for emergencies provides assurance that you will be able to react flexibly to unexpected events.

Investment Management - We Advise, You Decide

You want to manage your assets yourself? We will gladly support you. In our investment advisory services, we develop the portfolio together with you to ensure that it meets your needs. One thing is always at the focus: your individual level of risk tolerance.

Wealth Management



Wealth Management primarily means one thing for us: time. On the one hand, we take sufficient time to comprehend your needs and respond to them on an individual basis. On the other hand, we give your assets the time they need to develop sustainably.


190 eventful years have passed since the establishment of the bank and wholesale merchant Schoeller. We have made good use of this time to develop our bank and to combine tradition with a modern view.


Schoellerbank has stood for values such as trust, reliability, and stability for generations. This makes giving socially responsible investments the space they deserve a logical step in refining our portfolio.


We don’t rest on our laurels. Instead, we use every award and assess the test results. This allows us to identify potential and further increase our capabilities. Which may be one of the reasons why we keep winning awards.


Key figures

78,76 %


Core capital ratio

approx. 12.4 bn


Managed Assets

7.19 bn


Schoellerbank Invest AG
Fund assets


on full-time basis)


Mag. Helmut Siegler

Mag. Helmut Siegler


Schoellerbank stands for a clear, comprehensive, and tailor-made product and service offering. We pay attention to the fundamental trend while ignoring short-lived fads. Proving this each and every day is what drives us.

Mag. Martin Klauzer

Mag. Martin Klauzer

Managing Director

For the leading bank in Private Banking and Wealth Management, the most important goal must continue to be that the client and his needs come first. Only joint success strengthens both partners.
