Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
Renngasse 3
1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 53471-0
Fax: +43 1 53471-1655
Companies Register No. 103232m
Commercial Court of Register: Commercial Court of Vienna
Venue of registered office of the company: Vienna
Legal form: Joint-stock company
Competent supervisory authority: Austria Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Member of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (Bundeswirtschaftskammer)
Bank sorting code (BLZ): 19200
VAT ID: ATU 15355504
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN): 938 A8A.00073.ME.040
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 529900ESWL1AEC189F69
General terms and conditions of business (GTC)
Purpose of Business
Credit institution pursuant to the Austrian Banking Act § 1 (1)
Applicable commercial and professional laws: the Austrian Banking Act (BWG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl) No. 532/1993, as amended, and the Securities Supervision Act (WAG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl) No. 753/1996, as amended. These federal acts are available (in German) at
Publisher and media owner
Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
Venue of registered office of media owner: Renngasse 3, 1010 Vienna
Statement on the nature of the content
- Presentation of Schoellerbank
- Information on products and services offered by Schoellerbank
- Information on general topics, in particular, on economic research, currency markets and capital markets
Shareholders of the Media Owner
Shareholder of the media owner: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Shareholders of UniCredit Bank Austria AG:
UniCredit S.p.A. owns 99.996% of the shares in UniCredit Bank Austria AG (see
The Employees’ Council Fund of the salaried employees of der UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Region Vienna, as well as the private foundation for the administration of the holdings (Founder: Anteilsverwaltung-Zentralsparkasse; Beneficiary: WWTF - Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds) jointly hold a share of 0.004% in UniCredit Bank Austria AG.
Governing Bodies with Powers of Representation and Members of the Supervisory Board
Management Board
Helmut Siegler | Board Chairman |
Martin Klauzer | Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer |
Supervisory Board
Robert Zadrazil | Chairman | Chairman UniCredit Bank Austria AG |
Jürgen Danzmayr | 1st Vice-Chairman | Former Board Chairman Schoellerbank AG |
Marion Morales Albinana-Rosner | 2nd Vice-Chairwoman | Member of the Management Board of UniCredit Bank Austria, Wealth Management & Private Banking |
Meinrad Küenburg | Member | Partner of the law firm Honsig & Küenburg, Salzburg |
Hélène Buffin | Member | Member of the Management Board of UniCredit Bank Austria, Chief Financial Officer |
Janine Wukovits | Member | Head of Corporate Affairs and Board Office, UniCredit Bank Austria AG |
| | |
Sieglinde Jager | Member delegated by the Employees’ Council | |
Susanne Gstöttner | Member delegated by the Employees’ Council | |
Jochen Messner | Member delegated by the Employees’ Council | Chairman |
| | |
Stefan Melhardt | | State Commissioner |
Karin Kufner | | Vice State Commissioner |
Overall technical responsibility
Mag. Harald Peller
Schoellerbank AG
ICT Management
Responsible for Contents
Responsibility for the contents of the individual pages lies with the authors.
Editorial Responsibility
Marketing & Communication Schoellerbank AG
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Legal Notice
Schoellerbank AG reviews and updates the information on its website on a regular basis. While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of such information, data may change in the intervening periods. Therefore, Schoellerbank AG does not assume any liability or guarantees for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlinks. If you establish a connection to such a website, you do so at your own risk. Schoellerbank AG is not responsible for the contents of websites accessed via such links.
Schoellerbank AG reserves the right to change or supplement the information made available. Schoellerbank AG does not use its websites to provide you or others with investment advice or recommendations. The information and/or elements on these websites are not a suitable foundation for reaching investment decisions or any other decisions. Past trends are not necessarily an indicator of future performance. Please contact your account manager before reaching an investment decision.
The contents and structure of the Schoellerbank AG websites are protected by copyright. Any reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts, images or graphics require the prior consent of Schoellerbank AG.
For complaints, suggestions and requests
Please contact the Ombudsman’s Office:
Ombudsman Office
Palais Rothschild
Renngasse 3
1010 Vienna
Send message
Joint Arbitration Panel of the Austrian Banking Industry
(Gemeinsame Schlichtungsstelle der Österreichischen Kreditwirtschaft)
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Wien
Phone: +43/1/505 42 98
Phone: +43/1/505 44 74
Austrian banks have established a Joint Conciliation Board of the Austrian Banking Industry to settle certain types of complaints (Gemeinsame Schlichtungsstelle der Kreditwirtschaft). Customers of all participating credit institutions (including those of Schoellerbank AG) may appeal to this Conciliation Board.
The Conciliation Board reviews complaints relating to
- Cross-border funds transfers
- Transactions involving electronic payment cards
- Electronic commerce
- Cross-border payments in euro
- Remote sales of financial services
- Complaints concerning inadequate information provided regarding housing loans